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Outline: Online Loan Management System in PHP and MySQL 

The Online Loan Management System is a simple and user-friendly web application built in PHP and MySQL with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Modal, Ajax, and Bootstrap. This system includes a data entry administrator who can add staff to monitor applications, delete updates, check loan interest, and check loan types.

Main Features: Online Loan Management System in PHP and MySQL

  • Manage Loans
  • View and Payment
  • Borrower Management
  • Loan Plans
  • Loan Type
  • User Management

Installation Guide: Online Loan Management System

To run the program, you must first install a virtual server like XAMPP on your Computer device.

Online Loan Management System is a free download that should only be used for educational purposes.

The following steps should be taken after starting Apache and MySQL in XAMPP.

1: Proceed to Extract the downloaded file.
2: Copy the main program folder.
3: Paste the copied folder in xampp/htdocs/.

To Connect Database

4: Open a browser and navigate to “http://localhost/phpmyadmin/”.
5: Next, select the databases tab.
6: Create a database called “loan_db”, and proceed to select the import tab.
7: Select the “loan_db.sql” file located in the “database” folder by clicking on “browse file”.
8: Press “Go.”

Following Database Creation.

9: Open a browser and navigate to http://localhost/Loan_Management_System/.

Administrator Login details
username: admin
password: admin123



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